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Circular economy pillows…coming soon!

August 2, 2019
Inspiration Image on how the project will look like

Circular economy is a very popular concept right now and a hot topic in the media. For the profanes, circular economy is a new economic system that replicates nature with its endless system. One species’ waste becomes others food and energy is provided by the sun. Once someone dies nutrients return to the soil and is a system that works!! It’s been doing it for millions of years. Instead, in our current system is linear economy, in which we produce – consume – dispose. Every time we do so, we consume resources that are limited and increase the amount of waste in our landfills.

Every year, just in Spain – my country – more than 900,000 tons of textile waste end up in the landfill. Creating a dramatic environmental issue. During the last few months, I have been working on a circular economy project in which we recover natural textile waste and reintroduce them in the system through pillows.

Style Indigo cover with pillows created through circular economy

In order to recover the fabrics, we have signed an agreement with Recumadrid. A company that recovers waste before ending up in the landfill, and helping people in danger of social exclusion. We love the idea of creating products that help the environment while empowering people that aren’t as lucky as us! For that reason, we are working on the development of a customizable silk pillow. Every time we produce one of our pillows we save more than 65 litres of water and we reduce the CO2 emissions by more than 24%. Impressive, isn’t? The official launch will be happening this autumn… in the meantime, you can start pre-ordering your pillows here!!