christmas | fashion | pre-loved

It’s time to welcome 2019

December 27, 2018
Style Indigo wearing a vintage red dress

We are about to say goodbye to 2018 and the best way to do it is by having an amazing party! There are many parties and family functions during this time of the year, but I believe that the best party is New Years. If, this year, you want to have made a statement during the New Years Eve party, go for an amazing second-hand evening dress.

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shopping | christmas | fashion

Marie Antoinette Jewel’s

February 1, 2018

Imagine owning pieces of Marie Antoinette jewel’s? Or borrowing La Peregrina from Liz Taylor’s collection? And what about having access to María Félix extravagante pieces? Great jewelry are timeless pieces that pass from generation to generation and are reserved for very few lucky women. Thanks to a local Spanish artisan this dream could become true and your dream of owning an historical jewel could be more accessible than you think. 

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christmas | fashion | pre-loved

Coloring up the New Year!

January 3, 2018

Hello there, hope you had a wonderful start to the New Year!! I want 2018 to be a year full of energy, adventures and amazing moments and since it’s been scientifically proven that wearing bold colours improves your mood and your self-esteem hence I have chosen this colourful outfit to start the year!!

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christmas | fashion | lifestyle

Looking back at 2017

December 31, 2017

Wow what a year, 2017 has been full of changes and new beginnings. Becoming a blogger has been one of those incredible new things. I have enjoyed every aspect of sharing my sustainable journey with you and can’t wait to see where 2018 will take us!!

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christmas | fashion

Velvet combo, a holiday success!

December 28, 2017

Until a few years ago velvet was one of those 80’s fads that looked so old fashion (I also include in this outdated list the shoulder pads and the wrinkled suede boots), actually my sister and I have an old velvet party dress from my mother and we used to make fun of it until not that long ago. Finally, velvet has made a reappearance in the covers of mainstream fashion magazines and the store displays, once more my mother dress looks cool again (I might even wear it for New Year’s Eve)!

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