environment | fashion | lifestyle

First steps to a sustainable wardrobe

November 1, 2017

I spend this weekend with my girlfriends and I was delighted to find out how interested they were about sustainability and how they are all implementing changes in their lives to reduce their carbon footprint. One of them ask me what was the one thing she could do to have a more sustainable wardrobe. Of course, my answer was simple and doable by anyone, let’s start by using what we already have and getting the most usage out of it. Secondly, we can invest in timeless good quality clothes that will last forever, ideally, we should go for a sustainable brand and natural fibre but there are many ways to be sustainable, as explained here

There are certain garments that can survive the passage of time and are great investment pieces for the future and if you already have them, you should keep a hold of them! A good shirt is one of those “gems”. A masculine looking shirt in black or white can be combined in infinite ways and gives you a clean and sophisticated look. In this occasion, I kept the look very simple with a pair of BF jeans that I love and have definitely worn way beyond 30 times (#30wears). I love both of these garments because they are classics and if you take good care of them they could last forever. Don’t you think?

Respecting our clothes and taking good care of them is another way in which we can be sustainable. Firstly, by looking after our garments we can make them last much longer and thus prolong the time before we replace them. Secondly, by following the care instructions of our clothes and using our common sense, we can help save resources and money on our bills. By avoiding the use of the tumble dryer every household could be saving up to half a tonne of CO2 emissions per year. By hanging your clothes to dry, the sun helps to disinfect and eliminate parasites, which is a win-win situation for you and the environment! Finally, 90% of the energy used by the washing machine goes into warming up the water, which it can easily be avoided in most of our clothes. Knowing that 25% of the carbon footprint of a garment comes from the way in which take care of it, is a good reminder that by changing some of our everyday routines we can play a big part in creating a sustainable solution. “Small things done consistently, in strategic places, create major impact” – David Allen.

Image: B.Lozano

Shirt – Muestrarios | Jeans – Levi’s | Handbag – Muestrarios | Belt – Muestrarios | Shoes – Camper | Watch – Cartier